Action is occurring on climate change at many grass-roots levels. We’re seeing many facets of public scrutiny that’s bringing about review and action.
With increasing thermal performance requirements forming part of the updated National Construction Code (Circa Sept’ 2022), the industry of the built-environs seem to be in a better position to tackle our #GWP (global warming potential) than one might have expected with the apparent watering down of the NCC 2022. Improvements within #ThermalPerformanceAssessemt certificates have equipped us with teeth, so that we’re ready to capitalise on the perceivable value-shift that’s occurring in relation to energy efficiency.
Not only will new homes be required to be a minimum of 7 Stars but the inclusion of new Whole of Home (WoH) criteria, means all new equipment has to be listed and rated so that fixed home appliances (like hot water, ovens, A/C etc) can be understood in terms of their potential energy savings - or their true NetZeroPotential (#NZP).
The missing link is still the legislative requirements to mandate compliance (via building certifiers and audits), however there are actually inclusions for verification within the updated NatHERS reports – which means NatHERS understands how important it is to put key checking criteria front and centre of key compliance docs.
There’s no government mandated requirement for PROOF of work prior to occupancy (yet) but I think it’s quite exciting and helpful that we have a governing framework to assist us to design for efficiency, then to verify each component has been built as specified.
A page from the the future NatHERS certificate (Adoption within SA, and some other states is delayed or date TBC)
This additional new compliance list can be discussed early in the piece with Harmonic Design and with potential builders, to set expectations of built outcomes in relation to thermal performance and occupational resilience.
Also, thanks to Melanie Lupis from @Sustainability_Certified for showing me some excellent links available through Sustainability Victoria which contain helpful recommendations and verifications frameworks:
Thanks again also to Melanie Lupis from @Sustainability_Certified for collaborating with Harmonic Design on this award-winning project:
#NZP #NetZeroPotential ……
Sustainability Certified and Harmonic Design are keen to share our knowledge and expertise in sustainable design through a variety of upcoming workshops. More news on this in the New Year!